Looking back on your holiday to Kavos, it’s never how you ever planned it, from the pre drinks at the airport to getting one of your mates parents to pick you and the squad up when you get back home.
Here’s our run down of a typical two weeks in Kavos. Enjoy…
Day 1 – the first night on the strip when your plan is to take it easy ends up being a total write off and your budget plan is now non existent
Day 2 – everyone else around the pool has a better tan than you so you decide to “turbo tan” which goes terribly wrong and now you’re burnt
Day 3 – you’ve worked out that the air conditioning doesn’t work with the balcony door opens and you have a new found hate for mosquitos
Day 4 – you’re on first name terms with a barman named “Costas, Spyros or George”
Day 5 – you’ve created your own map of the strip and can now walk from one end to the other by only talking to 3 PRs and not 35
Day 6 – one of your mates has fallen in love and thinks they’ve found ‘the one’
… they haven’t, they’ve only had a snapchat from them.
Day 7 – you’re skin feels like somebody else’s, your tan lines glow in the dark and you keep getting flashbacks but can’t work out which night it’s from.
Day 8 – you think you can sing wild thoughts better than Rhianna. Nakey Nakey Naked
Day 9 – one of your mates has had to claim on their travel insurance as their attempt to out drink you has failed miserably
Day 10 – the cleaner has woken you up with a mop and is shouting at you as your room likes like a bomb site & someone is asleep in the shower
Day 11 – you’ve worked out that Rep stands for Really Eager Person and you stay dead silent when they bang on your door
Day 12 – you’re trying to work out whether the guy at the kebab shop did used to be a porn star or not
Day 13 – you’re sick of hearing the other balconies playlist, yours is much better… they think the same
Day 14 – you’re instantly regretting buying airport food
Day 30 – you’re booking your return trip.